Our Guarantee

“What’s important is to seize an opportunity. You need to take risks in order to grow. Choose clarity over certainty.”

-Harriet Lewis

Since 1993, we have guided hundreds of leadership teams through the Pinnacle offsite process. The goal of every offsite is to move the organization and make a big impact. Offsites are the key to constantly improve and grow your leadership and team.

In a compressed timeframe—either one or two days—we can transform your organization by ensuring the big issues are surfaced, decisions are made, and clear 90-day action plans developed listing what, who and when. Our expert organizational advisors will give you a straightforward assessment of your leadership team with observations and recommendations for moving forward.

We believe in the power of Pinnacle so much, we guarantee results. We know our approach works and that we can help your organization improve its performance and alignment.

Give us one or two days and we will:

  1. Make sure your goals are clear and that each team member is committed to them. If you don’t have clear goals, you will not be successful, and you don’t have commitment.
  2. It all starts at the top. We will align each of your top leader’s goals to the organization’s top 3 goals for the year – goal alignment is key
  3. Identify the top three “Hot Issues” on Top People, Top Program, Top Partner that hold you back
  4. Create a clear 90-day action plan to resolve your hot issues with your leadership group, defining who, what, where and when
  5. Provide a one-page leadership assessment and recommendations on your Executive Team

Ready to go one step further than you thought you could? Reach out to Pinnacle now to learn more about what we can do for your team.